Easter: What is the Resurrection to You?

Easter: What is the Resurrection to You?

Do not act surprised. You had warning that this sermon was coming. Not just in the order of service, or the posts on the Facebook page. If the members here care to refer back to the notes that I’m sure you took while reading my monthly ‘Minister’s Musings’ in the chapel Calendar, you will have noted that in my third from last paragraph that I asked you all, “What does resurrection mean to you?”
Easter: Being the Resurrection

Easter: Being the Resurrection

The late, great Frank Schulman – a former chaplain, dean, and fellow in theology at Harris Manchester College advised Unitarian ministers-in-training that “with the Easter sermon there is a temptation to avoid the issue by speaking in broad terms about renewal of spring, flowers, and clouds wafting across the sky.” We can probably also add chocolate eggs to Schulman’s list of distractions yet, while I intend to remain faithful to Schulman’s advice today, I hope you will allow me to indulge you with a childhood memory of mine.