human standing beside crucifix statue on mountain

Feast of the Cross: What Does It Mean for Us?

Wednesday marked the Festival of the Cross. This festival commemorates the finding of the supposed True Cross by St Helena, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine. It also commemorates the founding of serval churches by Constantine, and the return of the supposed True Cross to Jerusalem by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (Her-rack-le-us) after a Persian Emperor apparently nicked it in the 600s.
Angel of the Revelation (Book of Revelation, chapter 10)

Realising the Kingdom of God Through Love

I tend not to pick readings from the Book of Revelation too often. I have a academic Bible encyclopaedia that described the Book of Revelation as a “bewildering kaleidoscope of scenes” – if this Book can come across as bewildering to Bible scholars, then I always fear how a congregation may take it. Indeed, if one reads the entirety of Revelation, one can certainly see how some people believe that John of Patmos was clearly on some sort of psychedelic drug when he wrote it – the vivid apocalyptic visions it contains are clearly evidence enough, at least for some, for there having been some sort of hallucinogenic influence upon the Book’s author.
Easter: What is the Resurrection to You?

Easter: What is the Resurrection to You?

Do not act surprised. You had warning that this sermon was coming. Not just in the order of service, or the posts on the Facebook page. If the members here care to refer back to the notes that I’m sure you took while reading my monthly ‘Minister’s Musings’ in the chapel Calendar, you will have noted that in my third from last paragraph that I asked you all, “What does resurrection mean to you?”
Communion wafer broken and held above plate

Communion: Do Only Fools Eat Their Lunch Alone?

Sometimes we can be forgiven for thinking of the Bible as an ethereal, otherworldly book. Then readings like our second one today makes us realise that there is a lot of earthly language in it too. Mentions of “eating flesh” and “drinking blood” seem more vaporific than angelic! That was certainly my reaction, and if it was yours too, then we are in good company.
Jesus is shown holding a whip and driving out bankers from the temple. The bankers all represent different modern banks.

The Cleansing of the Temple

Some of you might know that that religious attitudes that I encountered at my Church of England Primary School caused me to go through a distinct period of Atheism that lasted for many years. Indeed, at that time, I was probably the world’s youngest militant Dawkinsite Atheist. I have a now vague memory that those with power over myself and my fellow children at that school were very keen on us singing the Christmas carol ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ and were especially keen on emphasising the lines