Rest and Responsibility

We are living in an increasingly anxious society. I am sure that many of us have seen reports in the media about the mental health of young people today. Last summer, during lockdown, UK Universities saw at least one student die every week, all these sad cases were either traced back to mental illness, drug abuse or both. During my time in university chaplaincy a few years ago I was on the front line of this struggle to keep some of the most vulnerable students alive and healthy.

The Price of Prophecy

Both our readings today relate to prophets who faced consequences of being prophets. In our sermon today I would like to concentrate on Amos, from who’s book our first reading is from. Amos is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible. In Jewish Bibles the books of the twelve prophets are presented as one combined book, yet they are presented as individual smaller books in Christian bibles.

Transfiguration: How We Shine in Love

The passage from the Gospel of Mark generates odd reactions form people when they first read it. Personally, I usually get to the line, “his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them” before thinking – “what kind of laundry detergent advert is this?!”

Miracles and Healing

Back in the days before such things as Modernity and the Enlightenment had come about, if you had enquired of minister where the evidence was for the existence of God or Christ’s divinity, there is a good chance that they would have pointed you to the miracles in the Bible as infallible or unquestionable proof of such doctrines.